GeniusMapping Review by “Hypnotherapy Breakthrough” creator, Carlos Casados, July 2019

“Hypnotherapy Breakthrough” creator, co-host of the “Authenticity Show,” Carlos Casados reviews our GeniusMapping™ course.

In this Facebook-Live video, recorded shortly after Carlos returned home from the GeniusMapping™ course he attended in July 2019, Carlos shares with us what it was like having his own genius for networking modeled, and why he feels GeniusMapping™ can increase the value he offers potential clients, both in therapeutic settings as well as in a business consulting context. “Super awesome and incredibly valuable!” “Feels like I got smarter from it.” Carlos even plans to attend again, to dive deeper still! We’ll see you again soon, Carlos!

You can also explore his “Authenticity Show” Youtube channel, and his website, Hypnotherapy Breakthrough.

Video length — 23:11.  Note, because this was FB-Live, Carlos spends some time greeting friends as they joined him.