Apply to be GeniusMapped!

Are you extraordinarily good at something that you’d love to help others do?

I’d love to know what you’re extraordinarily good at, whether you’re just gifted, or you’ve spent decades becoming good at it.  Now let’s add the caveat that you’ve so far been less successful than you’d like, at training it to others.  Or maybe you’ve written about it, you’re confident in your method and repeatedly produce high end results, and almost no one is replicating your results?   (…Hint hint, cough cough: virtually every self-help author out there…)

The reason for this lack of replication of your gifts/skills is that much of what you’ve become great at, is now “unconscious knowledge.” Becoming masterful at something requires us to “chunk up” our detailed knowledge into higher and higher level generalizations, as skills get into muscle-memory and become automated.  As a result…

Most gifted experts aren’t that effective at teaching their expertise. (and, there are good reasons for this!)

Once an area of skill is automated in our minds, once we have an autopilot for our skill, we no longer have conscious access to many of the details we learned along the way.  We CANNOT be both consciously-competent and unconscious-competent at the same time, the first time we learn something.  This makes us unprepared to train what we know, unless we were to go “back to school” and relearn everything a second time from the ground up.  So most experts can’t demonstrate, and teach, concurrently.  Most experts don’t make that effort.  So often, when we want to learn something, we’d like to learn from the best experts, but they rarely make the best teachers.  If you know someone who can demonstrate beautifully and also explain well, they must have gone back to re-learn their expertise, a second time. 

But… that expertise can still be acquired!  This is the very premise behind GeniusMapping™, which has evolved over 25 years, originating from combining NLP with lessons from the field of Knowledge Engineering (one branch of Artificial Intelligence).  Modeling is supposedly the golden core of NLP, and its seemingly gotten lost among a sea of skills-diluted trainers many of whom know nothing about modeling expertise, and are busy training shorty-shorty courses focusing on copycat trainings of pushy language patterns.  We’re bringing modeling back to the forefront.

GeniusMapping™ helps us get into, and unpack, all that unconscious knowledge.

GeniusMapping on whiteboards

Some models (areas of expertise) take weeks or months to unpack. This can be immensely valuable for business, for the military, for medical, for law, etc.  But its expensive to engage in this level of modeling, and doesn’t really lend itself to taster sessions.  This is not what we’re seeking for the taster sessions.

Some models (areas of expertise) are relatively quick to model.  They can be small portions of a larger area of expertise.  Or single area skills or expertise.  These can take 3-15 hours to unpack, and modeling these makes for better demos in 3-hour taster sessions.  This is what we’re looking for!

Seeking exemplars to model for the GeniusMapping™ Live Zoom Taster Sessions.

We’re going to create a library of GeniusMaps™ over time that people can purchase/download (and possibly some give-aways or loss-leaders that experts might want to share with their tribe, too).

Our criteria are stringent, but if you’re a high-calibre already-established thought-leader or expert with gifts or expertise you’ve had ongoing trouble conveying into replicable skills in others… or if you follow thought-leaders like this and want to recommend I model someone else… let’s talk.  There could be a fit!

Plus, just think of the social proof you’d get from having yourself “GeniusMapped™,” eh?

If you’d like to explore this, contact me through my Contact page here.  Let’s start a dialogue and see if there’s a fit!