GeniusMapping™ Review by “Chaos Wave” founder James Tripp, Feb 2020

“Chaos Wave” founder James Tripp describes GeniusMapping™ as a ‘missing link.’

In this video, recorded shortly after James returned home from the GeniusMapping™ course he attended in January 2020, James shares with us why he feels GeniusMapping™ was a “Missing Link” for him in NLP Modeling. Initially he focuses on the advantages GeniusMapping™ offers us for acquiring and mapping exemplars’ or clients’ unconscious knowledge, and then bridges over to how he thinks GeniusMapping™ can/will augment what he does in his own Chaos Wave and client work, and help him unpack his own genius for his tribe members. Exciting stuff!

You can also explore his Youtube channel, and his website.

Video length — 23:26