What’s the difference between What, When, & How?
(Thanks to Amy Bell for forwarding this to me.)
Watch the last ~90 seconds of this video of John Grinder discussing the weakest component of NLP Modeling (whether applying that to modeling expertise, or client problems). Skip ahead to just after the 8 minute mark if you want to get quickly to the point we’re sharing here.
The whole video is valuable, but the last 90 seconds is the relevant bit for us as KE & GM enthusiasts. It’ll explain part of why we’ve found KE & GM so valuable.
In it, he describes that NLP has, in most cases, failed at providing people with the “when.”
NLP Modeling has been largely successful at capturing behavioral and knowledge patterns from experts and geniuses (and therapeutic clients). This is the “what” and the “how.” But it has largely failed at providing explicit rules for WHEN to apply each part of successful patterns (and when not to).
For 24 years now, this is precisely what I have been teaching with Knowledge Engineering, and now, GeniusMapping™ (KE 2.0). It fills the enormous gap in NLP, created from:
- handing people a valuable yet utterly unstructured handful of patterns where few people know (for certain) what to use, when, or from
- attempting to use a model of excellence acquired by an exemplar, yet being unable to replicate their results.
GeniusMapping™ is considered by many to be a missing link!
So, here’s a (normalized) belief statement I wish were held by more people:
one is ready to take their NLP Modeling or Changework to a much higher and more effective level,
one is ready to look a little deeper
choose to learn more about GeniusMapping™
become aware of how well GeniusMapping™ ties together into one single cohesive mapping system all these things: beliefs, values and values hierarchies, decisions and NLP strategies, logical thinking with non-rational (emotional) information, metaprograms, and more.
Deep mastery & unconscious integration